8 Tips that make you feel happy

There are plenty of tips and psychological techniques to help you feel happy and learn to rejoice each day.But what if our own body had a say in the matter?

Here are some findings from neuro scientists the people who know exactly when and why your brain can give you the feeling of total satisfaction!

1. Learn to say "Thank you"

When we say a person, or even fate, for something, we focus ourselves on the positive aspects of life. Pleasant memories trigger serotonin production in the interior cingulate cortex.This technique is often used for treating depression.

Giving thanks to the people in your life, you open the door to receiving their thanks in turn. In your home or company, a nice circle, a step toward a culture of gratitude.

If you want to experience more joy and fulfillment in life, start practicing the subtle act of saying thank you and meaning it.

2. Always try to get a good sleep

Start using a sleep mask. As long as your brain thinks it's nighttime, it keeps on sleeping.
While we sleep in the dark, our body secretes the hormone melatonin.

This hormone slows down all processes in the body, helping it to recover and increasing the level of serotonin in the hypothalamus.If the brain detects a change in lighting, it triggers the release of the stress hormone to awaken the body quickly.

Therefore, it is important to sleep 6-8 hours a day and only in darkened environments.

3. Play sports

Physical activity is stress for the body. As soon as the stress ends, your body gets a reward: a dose of endorphins, released by the pituitary gland. The effect is similar to that of opiates which reduces pain and elevate the mood.

You don’t need to run marathons to achieve this result even a regular walk can do wonders!
Incidentally, many writers and composers consider taking walks an indispensable part of the creative process.

4. Learn new things

For the brain, acquiring new knowledge means permanent adaptation to a changing environment.

Using this process, our brain develops, rewarding its own attempts to absorb and process new information with dopamine, the hormone of joy.

If you want to be happy, don’t be afraid to try something new, to change your surroundings, to learn new things.

5. Touch and embrace and feel things

To us, humans, social interaction is important. Various forms of physical support, especially touch and embraces, can speed up a person’s recovery from an illness.

If you remove physical interaction from your life, the brain perceives its absence the way it perceives physical pain: the same brain zones become activated in both instances.

This, in turn, triggers the processes that affect your mood and contribute to the development of depression.

6. Don’t keep things to you talk about what bothers you

The processes of wordlessly going through something unpleasant and talking about your predicament involve making use of different parts of the brain.

In the latter case, negative emotions have a lesser impact on your well-being.
It is, therefore, advisable not to keep your problems pent up.

Whenever you talk about them, your brain triggers the production of serotonin and even manages to find some positive sides to the situation.

7. Solve problems one at a time

Our brain never stops searching for solutions to every problem that worries us. This takes a lot of energy, so whenever the brain gets tired, and the problem remains unresolved we feel anxiety and irritation.

On the other hand, for every right decision, our brain rewards itself with a dose of neurotransmitters that calm the limbic system and help us once again see the world in a better light.

Therefore, you need to try to deal with one problem at a time.

8. Engage in pleasant expectations 

The process of waiting for something nice, such as food or sex, is similar to the learned salivation response.

Our brain experiences pleasure by simply anticipating the fun event. That’s why we’re so fond of counting the hours and minutes to some particular moment be it a birthday or a wedding, a meeting with a friend, or just an end to a long working day.

So remember next time when you are having a hard time, try practicing these above steps you'll surely feel better.

Cheers to Healthy Life!


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