10 Foods that will Boost your Brain

Numbers show that 10% of the world's population aged 65 and even older struggle with Alzheimer's disease, 75% of Alzheimer's sufferers are women 13% of adult men deal with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder known as ADHD and one in every six person went through a mental illness like depression or anxiety.  

When you choose healthy foods in your diet you are not only making sure that your body stays fit but you're also building muscles and these include those in your brain as well are you familiar with the concept that your brain actually needs calories to function properly. 

Boost your brain

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences explains that just the brain can use 20% of your body's total calorie intake in a day so how should you feed your brain it all boils down to making the healthy choices.

When it comes to ingredients that are known to boost the holistic cognitive functions which mean concentration skills and the capacity to remember things over time once you decide to include the next 10 foods in your diet.

You will notice soon that you're able to focus better and your productivity rates will go up during a work day multiple studies have concluded that the following smart foods you'll hear about can significantly contribute and helping you maintain a healthy brain well into the later stages of your life if you make them part of your daily eating habits.

1. Cocoa 

Cocoa beans

The polyphenols contained in cocoa proved to play a major role in reducing the risk of neuro-degenerative diseases by improving brain function and blood flow as flavonols go past the barrier between blood and brain they take part in the biochemical pathways that build neurons and main molecules which are important in the functioning of your brain.

Moreover it seems that flavonols impact the production of nitric oxide that relaxes the muscles of your blood vessels and as a result improving blood flow and blood supply to the brain.

2. Tomatoes


Lycopene the powerful antioxidant contained in tomatoes has been many times scientifically suggested to help
avoid any kind of free radical damage to cells that usually takes place in the development of dementia especially 
in Alzheimer's. 

3. Oily Fish

Oily fish

The best sources of omega-3 fatty acids you should include them in your diet
because they help create the membranes around each cell in your body which includes the brain as well in other words you need these fatty acids to improve the structure of the brain cells called neurons. 

There was a study that revealed how people with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids showed increased blood flow in their brains also the same research found a link between omega-3 levels and better cognition or thinking capacities therefore including omega-3 fatty acids from oily fish and other sources may significantly improve the way your brain functions.

4. pumpkin-seeds

Pumpkin seeds

Compared to any other seeds these ones have more zinc and this mineral is precisely the one that was shown as a vital element in enhancing memory and thinking skills.

Also pumpkin seeds are filled with stress busting magnesium vitamin B and tryptophan which is known as the precursor of the good mood chemical serotonin. 

5. Sage 

Sage plant

This plant 
abundant in antioxidants can really act as a shield in your brain's defense mechanisms it has also been proven that it can stop the breakdown of the chemical messenger acetylcholine ACH which is essential in the memorizing function of your brain when a brain struggles with Alzheimer's disease these ACH levels seem to dramatically go down.

One study showed that out of the 39 participants with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease the ones that took 60 drops 2 milliliters of a sage extract supplement for 4 months had better results on tests that measured memory problem-solving reasoning and other cognitive skills.

For healthy individuals low doses of sage boost memory while higher doses elevates the mood and increase alertness calmness and satisfaction

6. Broccoli 

Broccoli vegetable

Rich in dietary fibers broccoli is many times suggested as a smart food it contains high levels of glucosinolates which the body breaks down to produce isothiocyanates these are known to help reduce the oxidative stress and to lower the chances of going into neuro-degenerative diseases. Broccoli also is filled with vitamin C and flavonoids which can support a better functioning of your brain.

7. Walnuts

Walnut dryfruit

These are the top nuts that support a healthy brain the DHA omega-3 fatty acids that they contain represents a mean protector of the brain for newborns 
that improve cognitive performance in adults and prevent or even bring relief in age-related cognitive decline. 

There were studies that showed how pregnant women who have enough intake of DHA are bound to give birth to smarter kids. Only a quarter cup of walnuts provides you with nearly 100% of the recommended daily intake of DHA.

8. Black Beans

Black Beans

Apart from being quite the affordable excellent source of proteins these beans like most types of beans actually bring
along significant healthy doses of magnesium and folate.

The journal neuron actually reported in an article that magnesium represents a main element to consider when wishing to improve the cognitive and memory functions of your brain also black beans can do your heart a lot of good because a healthier blood flow leads to a healthier brain. 

9. Beets 

Beet vegetable

When we grow old, the amount of 
oxygen our brain receives is significantly reduced, including beets into your daily eating habits can greatly boost the blood flow to the brain because the nitrites make the blood vessels widen and the blood flow and oxygen goes up where oxygen amounts are deficient so an increased blood flow will ensure proper oxygenation in areas that are lacking it slowing down the onset of dementia.

Moreover beets represent one of the best plant sources of choline which is known to enhance the memory forming neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain.

10. Spinach 

Spinach leaves

Not just a tasty food but also a smart one, spinach provides you with vitamin K which is a brain fuelling nutrient that exists in most dark leafy greens. The Federation of experimental biology explained in a study that if you consume a portion of vitamin K rich leafy greens daily you will slow down cognitive and memory decline in your adult brain. 

All these foods you've heard about have a great chance to help you make sure that your brain can memorize and concentrate more for a longer period of time. Some of them can also lower the risk of stroke and age-related neuro-degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. In fact once you decide to eat healthier for your brain you're actually deciding to take care of your entire body.

Cheers to Healthy Life!


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