10 Foods that will Boost your Brain

Numbers show that 10% of the world's population aged 65 and even older struggle with Alzheimer's disease, 75% of Alzheimer's sufferers are women 13% of adult men deal with attention  deficit hyperactivity disorder known as ADHD and one in every six person w…

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8 excercises that will make you fit during lockdown

Not able to go to gym? You can literally do these 10 surprisingly effective exercises at home to jumpstart your day. I f you’ve never exercised in the morning, try it. It can help wake you up and get you going. It can also kick your energy levels into high …

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8 Tips that make you feel happy

There are plenty of tips and psychological techniques to help you feel happy and learn to rejoice each day.But what if our own body had a say in the matter? Here are some findings from neuro scientists the people who know exactly when and why your brain can give…

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How to take care of your Skin

Every person wants picture perfect flawless skin and a lot of us go to great lengths and spend a great deal of money  when trying to achieve it. A lot of the times too we go out looking for these  complicated solutions thinking it's going to be the fix to o…

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Tips to get Slim and Flat Belly

A lot of you think why it never seems to go away even though you've been trying to eat healthier and work out regularly so the question is are you eating the right food and doing the right exercises? For example you've been working really hard and doin…

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9 Tips to cope with Depression

Everything feels more challenging when you're dealing with depression. Going to work, socializing with friends, or even just getting out of bed can feel like a struggle . Best advice is to consult someone or share your problem with other people be more open …

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